How to wear cosplay wigs with long hair
How to wear cosplay wigs with long hair by Nicole Oliva Cosplay is a wonderful hobby to get into and has grown in popularity over the past few years. The idea of where to even begin a cosplay can be daunting to the average person. Once you have a cosplay in mind and a costume finished accessorising is crucial to look and the overall cosplay experience. So on that note today we will be going over the cosplay basics of how to wear a wig! I have pretty long hair and I get asked a lot how I manage to fit all of my hair into a wig? And the answer is simple. WIG CAPS For a new cosplayer a wig cap is the most amazing thing in the world! I had been cosplaying for two years before getting my first wig cap. Once I got one I didn't know why I didn't have one sooner! It’s amazing! They typ...